
and online courses

Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart

After developing the Say YES app with no experience in Flutter, I decided to improve my skills by taking this online course. The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart helped me to deepen my knowledge and improve my skills as an app developer. In this online course, I got thought about how to develop various types of apps, from Weather to Chat-App.

Blockchain Fundamentals

The course covered basic properties of bitcoin and the mechanics behind it (e.g. including cryptographic hash functions). I learned about practical applications of Bitcoin such as wallets and mining, as well as how to destroy bitcoins, including network attacks and malicious mining strategies. We also took a brief look at Ethereum and how blockchain can be used outside of cryptocurrencies.

Kicad Like a Pro

To improve my PCB design skills, I participated in the KiCad Like a Pro 2nd edition course. In this course learned everything about the design process in KiCad and how to use this program the best way. The last project you can find on my Github, it was about designing an Arduino Clone with clock and extended EEPROM. Github

Tensorflow for Deep Learning

At the course, The Complete Guide to Tensorflow for Deep Learning with Python, I got a view directly at Tensorflow. Before I always used Keras as a high-level Layer above Tensorflow. This course brought me closer to how things worked and I was able to deepen my knowledge in Deep learning.


I participated in the course, the complete developer's guide (Golang), to learn the basics and the most important features of Go. So I am able to use Go for projects where the advantages of Go are needed. One huge advantage of Go compared to Python is the runtime speed and the easy use of Go Routines and Channels, which I learned about in this Course.

Make Money with ML

During my internship at ZF's AI department, I participated in the online course, make money with machine learning. So I could deepen my knowledge about machine learning. In the course, we did learn a lot about the basics of machine learning and how to build an idea around ML. For that, we were introduced to web and app development. Also, we were encouraged to work as a team. So my team, from Germany and the US, developed as the final project an app that used a reinforcement model to predict when to trade shares.